Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I'm back home in Pennsylvania and to be honest it kinda sucks. As soon as I got here I had a decision to make. Sleep at my mom's or sleep at my dad's. Ugh. I'm trying not to hurt either of their feelings, and I know my mom really wants to make up what happened back in June but do I really have to be put in such a position? Either way it ended up me sleeping at my dad's. I'll be here for a few nights then I'll have to switch. My dog isn't in the house either which makes this whole staying here over night kinda pointless lol. I missed my dog so much but my dad said she's been on her period so in order for no stains on the carpet she's outside. I don't understand how it can take over a week for her to get over her period. Poor thing... thank god I'm not a dog for that.

I ended up timing my buses wrong. I took a 7:30am bus out of Albany, arrived in NYC at 10am, then had to wait until 4pm until my next bus to PA at Penn Station. I waited 6hrs. sitting on that hard, tiled floor. Unbelievable, right? I should get a reward. Waiting 6hrs. doing absolutely nothing at a bus terminal means I can wait an entire year for you!! Patience dammit!! LOL. No.

I'm not in a Christmas mood. I'm not exactly sure what it is but it feels so empty. Like boring. I was actually all up and excited the week beforehand about coming, but maybe it was just because I was excited about the snow. The snow that is currently non-existent lol. I still have to write Christmas cards and I'm not very in the mood to do so. -sigh- Such has become this vacation. But I really need to send out those cards. It's the 22nd today.... I MUST SEND THEM OUT TOMORROW. Wien's is the only one I made sure to get out asap haha, geeze...

Yesterday I slept in until 4pm. I couldn't believe it. And it really pissed me off too. I mean, I woke up to the sun going down, get out of the shower to a setted sun. It was a FML moment for sure. Received an early Christmas gift from my mom :) I really like it too. Today I'm awake now though so for sure I will not sleep again! I've got things to do. At least more productive things. I kinda want to tell everyone what me and my sister did for our parents this Christmas. We decided back in July that we wanted to do something really big for them this year and something for once that they could actually use. We both went half on both presents. For my mom, we're paying her mortgage for a month: $500. For my dad we're buying him a new washer: ~$300. Pretty good, right? We've been saving so... and I really think this is a good present. My mom has nooo idea and I can see her being brought to tears. I'm going to feel reallly uncomfortable if that happens though lol but hey, it means she appreciates it.

A Hapibara-san Christmas

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